Please utilize the DONATE button or VCLM QR Code below to pay TITHES/OFFERINGS, register for UPCOMING EVENTS, or become a PARTNER with VCLM. With your help, we can do even more. If you will partner together with this ministry, we will be able to reach more people with the Word of God and the love of Jesus Christ, who gave His life for all men and women that they might be saved, set free, and truly delivered.

Won’t you become a partner or sow a seed by investing in the lives of others and help us win nations for Christ? To become a covenant partner together with this ministry, email us at VCLM@VCLM.ORG. We thank you in advance for your prayers and contributions.

VCLM will commit to do the following as a result of you becoming a covenant partner with this ministry:

1. Pray and fast for you and your specific needs
2. Receive monthly messages that will help you remain victorious in every area of your life
3. Keep you informed with up to date ministry news; including mission trips around the world